- गुरु ज्ञान वाटिका के पुष्प
- रोएं रोएं में कम्पन आ जाए, कुछ कह न पाएं , समझ न आए क्या कहुं ? मगर आभार व्यक्त करने का भाव जागृत हो जाए – वह प्रेम की अभिव्यक्ति है। भगवान की कृपाओं
- के लिए जब शब्द न मिलें , होंठ हिलते रहें "प्रभु कैसे पुकारुं, क्या नाम दूं, किन शब्दों में तेरी प्रार्थना करुं। बुद्धि भी काम नहीं करती, बस तू मेरा है – केवल मेरा है" जब शब्द
- मिल न पाएँ और आप कहना चाहते हों यह स्वरुप है प्रेम का। प्रेम में आप शब्द नहीं कह पाते, पर आपकी क्रियाओं में प्रेम है।"
- परम पूज्य सुधाँशुजी महाराज
- There are moments in our lives where words are not enough, emotion overtakes you, and your speech is constrained. Each cell of your body starts to quiver and you don't know what to say. However, in these moments, you feel an urgent need to express your gratitude towards God - this is an expression of love. Your lips may move, but you can't find the appropriate words for all of the graces God has bestowed upon you. You want to say, "God, how can I call you and with what name, what words do I use to pray? My brain is not working. God, you alone are mine – only mine." When you are so overcome with gratitute that you can't find the words to express what you want to say – that is the true nature of love for God. With this love, you may be unable to properly express how you feel, but it gets expressed in your actions.
- Translated by Humble Devotee
- Praveen Verma
- VJMNA wants to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. Please try to remember to take a few moments to give thanks for all that you have in your life.
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ब्लॉग आर्काइव
always remember
I am the best,
I am the winner,
I can do it,
Today is my day,
God is always with me,
Always be happy and optimist........