कोई आपको दिशा दे सकता है, जागृति दे सकता है, लेकिन यह तभी सभंव है जब आपके अन्दर स्वंय जागरण का भाव उत्पन्न हो,तभी सही जागृति आएगी।
Someone can give you direction and show you the path towards awareness; however,
it is only when you feel awareness that true awareness is possible.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज
Someone can give you direction and show you the path towards awareness; however,
it is only when you feel awareness that true awareness is possible.
Translated by Humble Devotee
Praveen Verma